Home Uncategorized Is a Basset Hound Right for Me?

Is a Basset Hound Right for Me?

by Joey

One evening I took the hounds out for their daily stroll around the block when a neighbor asked if I thought a basset hound would be a good dog for them.

Of course, as the Bassetman I am strongly biased to say, “Yes, they are wonderful! The absolute best breed in the dog kingdom!” However, I must take a step back for objectivity and reframe the question: Am I right for a basset hound?

Am I right for a basset hound?

You are right for a basset hound if you are an active person who is okay with loving on a dog who needs a lot of affection from their owner.

Are basset hounds active dogs?

At first glance, you may be surprised to think that the owner of a basset hound should be an active person. After all, aren’t basset hounds lazy dogs who lounge around all day, barely able to keep their droopy eyes open?

The short answer: no. Basset hounds want to be out and about moving their bodies and exploring with their noses. This is good for their mental well-being.

It is not good for them to be indoors all day nor is it good for them to only be in a back yard. They were born to explore!

Basset hounds also need an active owner to keep their body weight in check. They have big appetites and will eat to their hearts’ content, and that extra weight will go straight to their midsections, which are terrible for their joints to carry more than is necessary.

Are basset hounds stubborn?

Yes, basset hounds can be very stubborn You will often wonder if basset hounds are obstinate or on the lower end of the intelligence spectrum.

Truth is bassets are very intelligent yet stubborn, and that calls for an owner who has an abundance of patience. At times, you beckon your basset with a command, and the basset’s response will be so dismissive of the owner’s wishes that she will be convinced that she is simply engaging with a cat in basset’s clothing.

Owners will typically find themselves fawning over their adorable basset one moment and utterly exasperated just seconds later.

Are basset hounds good apartment dogs?

Although basset hounds may not seem like big dogs since they are lower to the ground, averaging 13-15 inches tall, always keep in mind that basset hounds are fairly big for their stature, weighing in from 40-60 pounds.

Just as Pops—the old basset hound from the movie The Secret Lives of Pets, was able to live in a small apartment in New York City, keep in mind that they will take up a bit of space, especially given their desire to be right next to their owners or right on top of them whenever they can.

Are basset hounds good with kids?

Absolutely! Basset hounds don’t mind the energy children bring to a household. They actually thrive on it and will join in the action, mostly with hearty barks as they chase kids or attempt to escape kids who give the chase!

Bassets are also great bed warmers for the kids as they curl up into a tight mound on the mattress next to your feet or even sprawled out on its back with their stubby legs dangling up.

Either way, kids won’t be able to resist curling up next to their hound of the house or giving it a good belly rub. The love a basset hound has for the family is undeniable. It is very rare to worry about a basset’s behavior our children of all ages.

Do basset hounds obedient around food?

If food is left unattended on the kitchen table or kitchen counter (yes, bassets can even reach food as high as the kitchen counter), you can say goodbye to chicken leg or hunk of lasagna.

When you’re in the area, your basset will whimper, give the “poor me” puppy dog eyes, or hop their paws into your lap to plead for just one scrap, but at least they won’t much further than that.

But, as I said, step out of the room for one moment, whether stealthily or clumsily, that basset hound will soon be basking in the delight of your homemade dinner. Unless you have an exceptionally well-trained basset around unattended food, say goodbye to the good bites you were ready to feast on.

Trash cans should also be secured. A basset’s laser-like sense of smell will lead them to topple over trash cans looking for leftovers.

We have our trash can that is a little taller than most with secured lid behind the walk-in pantry door. Bathroom trashcan should be secured as well.

They find the more unpleasant human smells and discarded particles especially delightful. Otherwise, you may find yourself on your hands and knees picking up scraps of food and litter while cursing your dog under your breath. So save yourself the headaches; get a nice, secure set of trach receptacles.

Are basset hounds good security dogs?

Yes and no. It depends on what you are looking for in a security dog. Basset hounds have great ears to pick up any potential threats that may be lurking on your property and will project a full, booming bark that would alert you and could potentially cause a perpetrator to think twice about encroaching further.

However, if a perpetrator breaks into the house and you need protection, then a basset hound will not be much use other than an incessant barreling round of barks or loud, sustained howls. To put it simply, bassets are great as an alarm, but lacking as protection.

Are basset hounds good companions?

Yes, without a doubt. Bassets are gregarious and keep an acceptable pace for evening strolls in the neighborhood, short trail hikes, and playdates at the local dog park.

Nevertheless, be sure to keep a leash on your hound since they are not the best at keeping tabs with their owner’s intended direction.

Once they are off the leash, their high sense of smell takes over and all bets are off—your basset will now be led by his nose any direction it wills him to go!

When you’re not on an evening walk, hitting the trails, or visiting dog parks, basset hounds are exceptional cuddlers. Not much beats the feeling of a hound curled up on your lap as you binge-watch your latest television series.

Are basset hounds messy dogs?

Like most dogs, basset hounds can shed quite a bit, especially during certain seasons and if they are not brushed, the shedding will end up embedded in the carpet, and tufts will be found floating across the hardwood floors.

And, of course, the breed is known for its copious drooling. As mentioned earlier, basset hounds love to cuddle, so consider changing into cozy clothes that you wouldn’t mind getting drool on as you love on him.

So let’s put it together with a quick list of questions to find out if you are right for a basset hound.

  1. Am I an active and attentive dog owner?
  2. Am I a patient dog owner?
  3. Am I okay with a bigger dog in my space?
  4. Am I looking for a breed that is good with kids?
  5. Am I willing to purchase secured trash cans to prevent messes?
  6. Am I looking for a dog who would alert me of a potential intruder but not necessarily a security dog to protect me?
  7. Am I looking for a loving companion?
  8. Am I okay frequently brushing my basset hound to minimize shedding?
  9. Am I okay getting drooled on when I cuddle with my hound?

If you answered YES to all nine of those questions, then congratulations: you are destined to be the proud owner of a basset hound who would love an active lifestyle with lots of family love!

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